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Chemical Capital of the World

  • General Information

    Other Name: -, District: Delaware, State: Mid atlantic, United States of America
    Area: 17 sq mi
    Languages Spoken: -
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: -
    Best Time to Visit: - to - and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    It is an important center of the chemical industry.It is located at the confluence of the Christina River and Brandywine Creek, near where the Christina flows into the Delaware River.
  • Location

    Approximately 40 km southwest of Philadelphia.
  • Climate

    With warm, humid summers and generally mild winters
The collection of works by three generations of Wyeths is of particular interest at the Brandywine River Museum.
Hagley Museum is an outdoor museum and the site of the original du Pont gunpowder mills, as well as the estate and gardens.
Enjoy the trail, pond, and horses for viewing.
You can enjoy rides on antique trains.