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The Magic City

  • General Information

    Other Name: Global City , District: Florida, State: South, United States of America
    Area: 35.68 sq mi
    Languages Spoken: English
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: The city`s Port of Miami is known for accommodating the largest volume of cruise ships in the world and is home to many cruise line headquarters.
    Best Time to Visit: May to October and -
    International Access: It is an international center for popular entertainment in television, music, fashion, film, and the performing arts.
  • Description

    Miami is a global city in southeastern Florida, in the United States.Miami is ranked as a global city for its importance in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts and international trade.
  • Location

  • Climate

From the Tequesta Indians to the pioneers of the 1890s to Deering himself, this area of Cutler was a prime location for settlement.Just off of Biscayne Bay, this unique natural setting is home to many rare plants, tropical hammocks and endangered land forests. Today, you can tour the historic Stone House and the Richmond Cottage or explore the areas at the Environmental Center museum.
Miami MetroZoo is fast becoming one of the best zoos in the nation.Its climate allows it to keep a wide variety of animals from Asia, Australia and Africa like no other zoo in the country.One of the first free-range zoos in the country,the exhibits are entirely cageless. Animals are grouped according to their geographic territory and animals that live together peacefully in the wild are placed in exhibits together.
Welcome to everybody`s favorite spot in Miami.Just lounge about, check out the hottest fashion or watch the spring-breakers glee!
The Miami Seaquarium is located right in the middle of the tourist area, on the causeway between downtown Miami and Miami Beach. It`s a fabulous stop where you can witness an outdoor aquarium experience that`s only possible in our tropical climate.
Whether you are looking for a good workout,a great place to relax in the fresh air, or the perfect spot for a picnic, Tropical Park is ideal.One of the largest parks in town, it features four lakes, separate football, soccer, and softball fields, plus racquetball, volleyball, and basketball courts. Other park activities include swimming, sunbathing, freshwater fishing and fishing contests, paddle boating, and bicycling.