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City Of Mosaics

  • General Information

    Other Name: -, District: NA, State: Emilia Romagna, Italy
    Area: 652.89 kmĀ²
    Languages Spoken: Italian
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: It is best known for the wonderful mosaic decoration of its churches and tombs relics from its Byzantine past.
    Best Time to Visit: - to - and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    Ravenna is a city and comune in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.In a region known far and wide for antiquity and culture, Ravenna`s special claim to fame lies in its early Christian mosaics and monuments. They stand as examples of great artistic traditions and have been executed with such superior skill that they have won for Ravenna a place on the UNESCO`s list of protected World Heritage Sites.The international heritage of Ravenna, city of mosaics, has been recognised by UNESCO. Eight monuments built over a period of 1500 years have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • Location

  • Climate

an octagonal fifth century brick structure. The mosaics in the dome (some of which have been restored) are among the oldest in Ravenna. The font is 16th century but the parapet is ancient.
the only preserved building of the town of Classis, with a porch and a round campanile. The church, begun about 535 on a site just outside the ancient port of Classis, was consecrated in 549; it was restored in 1779 and freed from encroaching buildings in 1904.
San Vitale, an externally unadorned octagonal structure on a centralized plan (diameter 35m/38yd) with an octagonal dome, begun in 526 during the reign of Theodoric and consecrated in 547.
built about 520, probably on the order of Theodoric himself. This is a monumental two-story rotunda built in square blocks of Istrian limestone and roofed with a single huge block 11m/12yd in diameter. The tomb is reminiscent of Syrian rather than Roman models. The ornamentation shows clear Germanic influence. The lower floor is a barrel-vaulted chamber in the form of a Greek cross, on the upper floor is an antique porphyry sarcophagus.